Our associate case managers and expert witnesses are supported by a highly experienced clinical management team who guide on clinical and rehabilitation best practice and medico-legal reporting
Case Management and Rehabilitation
Our associate and employed case managers are led by Fiona Kenny, Head of Case Management and Rehabilitation and supported by clinical operations managers who supervise and provide support to case managers through case audits, case guidance and reviews including report quality checking.
The case guidance meetings in particular give our case managers the opportunity to discuss particular client’s needs and explore new perspectives and ways of approach to complex situations where there are barriers to engaging in rehabilitation.
Eloise Ross
Eloise has over 10 years’ experience as a physiotherapist and six years as a clinical case manager. She has a wealth of experience working with clients who have sustained complex orthopaedic injuries, brain injuries, amputations alongside managing ongoing complex co-morbidities. Following a move into the team leader role for our employed case managers, Eloise progressed into the role of clinical operations manager in 2024 where she brings her paediatric and adult case load experience into supporting associate case managers. Her clinical career has been spent across both inpatient and outpatient settings, including acute medical wards, paediatric intensive care, neurological hydrotherapy and community adult and paediatric services. Eloise also worked in private practice treating neurological and orthopaedic clients who suffered catastrophic injuries as well as managing hydrotherapy pools in multiple locations in Yorkshire & Humber. Eloise has also spent time working within a major insurer tele-physio service as clinical lead which gives her extensive knowledge in the entire litigation lifecycle and the needs of instructing parties.
Eloise is a member of CMSUK and BABICM.
Eloise Ross
Clinical Operations Manager
Stuart Berry
Stuart is a sports scientist and certified disability management professional and has over 10 years’ experience. Clinically he is highly experienced in complex Orthopaedic injuries and conditions, amputees and vocational case management.
He has been a vocational case manager at Bush & Co, Argent Rehabilitation, 3D Rehab and Remploy (working on the BBC contract).
Stuart is a member of the Certified Disability Management Professionals.
Stuart Berry
Clinical Operations Manager
Sports Scientist
Claire Hall
Claire qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 2001. She is experienced working in community Paediatric departments with children with neurological diagnoses including Cerebral Palsy, Acquired Brain Injury and Muscular Dystrophy. Her career includes working with The Children’s Trust in both the residential rehabilitation centre for children with Acquired Brain Injury and their community services working in partnership with Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
Claire has also worked as an independent neuro occupational therapist with both children and adults with an Acquired Brain Injury focusing on cognitive rehabilitation in the community.
Claire is a member of BABICM.
Claire Hall
Clinical Operations Manager
Occupational Therapist
David Fassioms
David is a Chartered Physiotherapist, qualifying in 2009. His clinical career has been spent working within the NHS, professional sport, private physiotherapy practice, welfare benefits and rehabilitation case management. He is registered with the HCPC and is a member of Case Management Society UK and Vocational Rehabilitation Association. Moreover, David has conducted extensive post graduate studies, with successful completion of an MSc in Musculoskeletal Medicine and PhD in Public Health.
David Fassioms
Clinical Operations Manager
Helen Stewart
Helen is a qualified physiotherapist and certified disability management professional with over 14 years’ experience as an associate case manager. Clinically Helen is experienced in supporting individuals who have sustained spinal injuries, complex Orthopaedic injuries and Amputations as well as Chronic Pain and Mental Health conditions.
Helen’s extensive case management experience has provided an in-depth understanding of the litigation process and the challenges faced by client’s with complex needs. Helen is registered with the HCPC and is a member of the Case Management society UK.
Helen Stewart
Clinical Operations Manager
The Importance of Industry Standards
Case management is a collaborative process that integrates care and rehabilitation services around the complex needs of people that have suffered a trauma, catastrophic injury, or long-term illness. Case Managers are qualified healthcare professionals with the clinical expertise to assess, plan, monitor and deliver the care needed to achieve optimum recovery and quality of life. In addition, they have the communication skills needed to coordinate a range of multi-disciplinary specialists in the cost-effective and efficient delivery of that care.
Expert Witness Services
Our associate expert witnesses are led by Cathy Preston, Head of Medico Legal, Expert Witness Service. Cathy is responsible for the recruitment, training and development of associate expert witnesses, providing guidance and governance on matters related to liability and quantum cases. She ensures that the Bush & Co expert witnesses are competent and compliant with their duties under CPR35 and that the quality and content of the Bush & Co expert reports meets the highest industry standards. She was awarded the Bond Solon Civil Expert Witness Certificate (CUBS) in 2016 and has completed a Diploma in Legal and Forensic Medicine (DLM) and a Master’s in Medical Law and Ethics (LLM) at Cardiff University.
Associates are also supported by a quality assurance team who are responsible for ensuring reports are consistent and of the highest quality whilst adhering to legal protocol and without influencing the report content.
Cathy Preston
Cathy is a physiotherapist by background with a clinical career spanning over 25 years which has included a number of NHS positions where she has specialised in musculoskeletal physiotherapy. After working for a number of years within the NHS, Cathy moved to work within the private sector, establishing several private physiotherapy clinics across West Yorkshire and was the clinical director and owner of a large physiotherapy company for 10 years. As a specialist private physiotherapist, Cathy provided physiotherapy to clients with all manner of adult neuromuscular conditions, including Orthopaedic spinal conditions, post-natal issues, Chronic Pain, work-related disorders, complex biomechanical problems and Orthopaedic post-operative conditions.
She is a highly-regarded and experienced expert witness, undertaking both liability and quantum reports for Claimant and Defendant firms. Over the years Cathy has been involved with cases surrounding cauda equina syndrome, catastrophic lower and upper limb injury, military injuries, abdominal injury and Chronic Pain conditions arising out of clinical negligence, and with personal injury cases resulting in Orthopaedic polytrauma and extensive burns.
Cathy was selected as the physiotherapy associate expert at Bush & Co to work with the Thalidomide Trust in securing lifelong funding for the Thalidomide survivors.
Cathy Preston
Medico Legal:
Expert Witness Service
The impacts of policy delay on client safeguarding and safety
Introduced in the Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019, the LPS will replace the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and deliver improved outcomes for people over the age of 16 who are or need to be deprived of their liberty if it is deemed in their best interests to do so to allow them to receive appropriate care or treatment.