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Liability Reports

Our experts can prepare liability reports outlining the standard of care provided to a Claimant for the purposes of a clinical negligence case. Liability reports can be either Court compliant or used for screening and advisory purposes only.

In addressing matters surrounding breach of duty, consent and causation, the liability experts will apply the appropriate legal tests within their report and use the relevant professional and NICE guidelines and evidence-based research to support their expert opinion.

Our associate expert witnesses are handpicked by our clinical leaders for their specialist areas of expertise including:

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  • Emergency and Intensive Care Nursing
  • Paramedic Nursing
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Community Nursing
  • Learning Disability Nursing
  • Nursing Home Care
  • Health Visiting
  • Child and Adult Safeguarding
  • Midwifery
  • Urogynaecology and Pelvic Health (physiotherapy and nursing)
  • Respiratory Care (physiotherapy and nursing)
  • Neurological and musculoskeletal physiotherapy
  • Ultrasonography
  • Dentistry

Full Liability Reports – CPR Compliant (Part 35)

Our Full Liability Reports can be provided for both Claimant and Defendant instruction. Preparation of the report includes perusal of evidence bundle, including medical records, expert reports, witness statements; detailed analysis of the background of the case and any associated, supportive clinical research.

The opinion of the associate expert witness will set out in detail the standard of care provided, including any breach of duty identified, in relation to reasonable practice, referring to best practice and clinical guidelines applicable to the time the injury occurred +/- or the care in question was provided. Causation will be addressed if required within the instruction.

Amy Walsh

Expert Witness

IV Specialist Nurse

Short Form Liability Reports/Screening Report – Not for disclosure

Our Short Form Liability Reports are designed to provide advice/guidance to the instructing party regarding the merit of a potential claim. Our associate expert witness will review all evidence provided and their expert opinion will be provided to establish potential areas of breach (Claimant report), or to respond to allegations set out in a Letter of Claim (Defendant report).

Helen Fakoya

Expert Witness


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