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Vocational Services
Resilience for a bright future

The vocational case management and rehabilitation services we provide through our UK network of vocational case managers is well known for helping people following catastrophic injury to overcome barriers and support people through education, training, work and meaningful activity.

Our vocational case managers work closely with people to truly understand the issues they face and how they affect wellbeing and the ability to engage in rehabilitation. For us it’s about finding ways to overcome the challenges, adapting to the changes and compensating for the impairment.

We work with all ages of client because we believe that vocational rehabilitation should not just focus on those of a working age. We particularly pride ourselves on being able to help young people and equipping them with resilience, determination and a desire to work or learn so that they don’t miss out.

With our adult clients we focus on returning to work, career redirection and vocational assessments, whilst with young people we work closely on their transition through education and into work so that they have the best opportunities post-injury.

We place importance on early intervention and ensure that vocational input is introduced at the right time within a person’s rehabilitation goals; in order to achieve maximum potential for the client. Our associate clinical case managers work closely with our vocational rehabilitation team to discuss client need and we are regularly instructed from outside of Bush & Co to support clients throughout the UK.

Our work focuses on overcoming barriers for and with our clients to support them back into work, education, training or meaningful activities. We enable people to start working towards some form of routine and a sense of ‘normality’ following their injuries which has a positive effect on their physical, psychological and social wellbeing.

Mr P was involved in a road traffic accident where his motorbike collided with a lorry. He was 54 years of age at the time of the accident, in which he sustained severe (de-gloving and crush) injuries to his left arm and hand. He also sustained a puncture wound to his left foot, broke his clavicle, and had lost large amount of blood.

Mr P underwent multiple surgeries to his hand, and was in hospital for almost 2 months. He had skin grafts, and metal plates were inserted. Following failure of skin grafts, Mr P’s had his left arm surgically attached to his stomach to provide a good blood supply to the arm to encourage healing.

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